Saturday Funnies!

  I am putting together a newspaper comics section. Here is the very first illustration of 2025 – the Header. I am planning on this being filled with several of my comics, as well as some games/puzzles, and a readers section. I’m also planning to offer this both on-line, and in print. Haven’t decided if, for the print edition, I will go broadsheet (large), or Tabloid. I’m leaning towards tabloid for a number of reasons.

  The print version will be quarterly. On-line version probably through “Sub-stack.” Both by subscription.

Sidewalk fun!






Spent some time updating my sidewalk sign. I’ll be using it for several appearances. First up, a “Trunk or Treat” at the Holy Ghost Society in West Warwick (where the La-La is held). See you there!

Doing the heavy liftin’

   Just finished this set of ‘collaterals’  – self caricature to be used for different materials. Pencil, Pen and ink, sepia toned, and full color. 

  Believe it, or not, I used to have a license to drive one of those things! (That and $4.71 will ALMOST get me a cup of coffee!

Here’s a comic cover I just finished – from My Hero Academia, with credit to the original artist, Yoko Akiyama.  Not sure if I’ll do the full color version of this one, it’s meant to be an example of a “pencils” cover that can be ordered. 

Thing vs Hulk!

Here is my homage to “Giant Size Super-Stars” #1 – The battle between the Thing and the Hulk! It’s also a sample of a new piece I’m offering – Caricature Comic Covers! (this one is of me and my brother, because we actually fought over the outcome of this battle).
Love a particular comic? Always wanted to be a part of the action? Here’s your chance! Order yours today…Here