Doing the heavy liftin’

   Just finished this set of ‘collaterals’  – self caricature to be used for different materials. Pencil, Pen and ink, sepia toned, and full color. 

  Believe it, or not, I used to have a license to drive one of those things! (That and $4.71 will ALMOST get me a cup of coffee!

always draws a crowd!

I am accepting requests for a limited number of vendor appearances. Live caricatures, coloring books, and select comic art! And, as always, live drawing of comics, comic strips, and/or characters. Ya just never know!!



Just finished up these 2 pieces for a client who’s getting them for her Superman fan husband. I think he’ll like them!
Do you have a comic book fan in your life who would enjoy one, too? Now’s the    time to order one. Any comic book cover (or        interior page)!
   *pencils only also       available
     Order here