

Just finished up these 2 pieces for a client who’s getting them for her Superman fan husband. I think he’ll like them!
Do you have a comic book fan in your life who would enjoy one, too? Now’s the    time to order one. Any comic book cover (or        interior page)!
   *pencils only also       available
     Order here

Pumpkin Spice? Again?!

  It’s that time of year that half of people LOVE beyond words. The other half? Well, they try to avoid it as much as possible. But maybe we can come up with some new uses for pumpkins, so why not as a fuel source?

“I got YOU pegged!”

Nothing like an epic game of “Battleship” to get the blood pumping, huh?
No Internet, no electricity! How did we ever survive?
(It’s a trick question – we didn’t!)

Gallery show

   Three covers ready for the COMICS, CARTOONS & GRAPHIC NOVELS gallery show at the Warwick Center for the Arts, 3259 Post Rd, Warwick, RI 02886 August 5th-17th. 

These pieces will be for sale. Of course, you can also contact me directly. I have other pieces too!