Diarrhea Demon?

Probably the last place you want anything to try to steal your soul through! Do your household appliances act up this time of year too? Of course, I don’t worry about such things, ‘cuz God tells us, “all souls belong to me,” so I’m safe! But that demon better hope I don’t get diarrhea!!

What a Topper!

   I’ve done a little bit with what used to be called, “Toppers.” These were small strips inserted above a Sunday comic which helped fill out the page, as well as introduce new characters/strips, or reinforce the Sunday strip itself.

   These toppers are the first work I’ve done on my very first comic strip! “Ozzie’s Shadow” was the first comic strip I ever created – way back when I was a teen. Here we have two brand new strips, in the form of “Toppers” & what it would look like paired with a Sunday strip (Clamcakes, of course!)

Science-ey stuff

When you get $20 words to explain a $5 question. Man! Can we all use straight-forward answers. Not the over bloated opining that makes you forget what you asked in the first place. But I will be getting tickets to that symposium! 

Pumpkin Spice? Again?!

  It’s that time of year that half of people LOVE beyond words. The other half? Well, they try to avoid it as much as possible. But maybe we can come up with some new uses for pumpkins, so why not as a fuel source?

“I got YOU pegged!”

Nothing like an epic game of “Battleship” to get the blood pumping, huh?
No Internet, no electricity! How did we ever survive?
(It’s a trick question – we didn’t!)