Saturday Funnies!

  I am putting together a newspaper comics section. Here is the very first illustration of 2025 – the Header. I am planning on this being filled with several of my comics, as well as some games/puzzles, and a readers section. I’m also planning to offer this both on-line, and in print. Haven’t decided if, for the print edition, I will go broadsheet (large), or Tabloid. I’m leaning towards tabloid for a number of reasons.

  The print version will be quarterly. On-line version probably through “Sub-stack.” Both by subscription.

always draws a crowd!

I am accepting requests for a limited number of vendor appearances. Live caricatures, coloring books, and select comic art! And, as always, live drawing of comics, comic strips, and/or characters. Ya just never know!!

“I got YOU pegged!”

Nothing like an epic game of “Battleship” to get the blood pumping, huh?
No Internet, no electricity! How did we ever survive?
(It’s a trick question – we didn’t!)